martes, 30 de junio de 2015

Top 11: actors who should be on True Detective (part 1)

After watching season 1 and the first two episodes of season 2 I can say that True Detective has become one of my favorite shows of all time. And if there´s one thing I like about it are the characters and the actors who play them. Every season has different characters and story so this a list about actors that I would like to see playing a role in the series.

Johnny Depp: this charismatic actor hasn´t made a good movie since Rango (2011) so I think 8 episodes on this show is exactly what his career needs.

 Kyle MacLachlan: he was simply perfect playing the eccentric Special Agent Cooper on Twin Peaks, so I´d love to see him again as a detective. A little bit more serious this time though.

Ryan Gosling: in my opinion  he´s the new Matthew McConaughey, a pretty boy who could´ve become in an Aston Kutcher type of "actor". The difference is that Mathew was that kind of actor once, Gosling´s never been. He´s just great.

 Mads Mikkelsen: I´ve only seen him on "The Hunt" and it´s  a movie that was a dissapointment for me and that I don´t particularly like. But if there´s one thing that stood out in that movie was Mikkelsen, his performance is easily one of the best of the decade and I think he would be great in the show.

 Mark Ruffalo:  He as well has experience as a detective and let me tell you, the TD look suits him.

 J.K. Simmons: he´d be great playing a tough, angry detective who´s a genius and it´s been challenged by a horrible serial killer. And with a young partner to shit all over. Basically Fletcher with a different job.

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