domingo, 5 de julio de 2015

Tomorrowland review

Tomorrowland is the newest movie by Disney and the one question that comes to mind: Is this gonna be the same stupid, generic and predictable shit that we always end up watching?

Brad Bird is a fantastic director, it doesn´t matter if it´s an action movie or an animated feature, he always delivers. And with this movie is no different, is quiet good camera work. The visual effects are great and there´s some masterful shots in this film, thanks to Bird.

The concept is interesting and the story develops itself well enough but is very predictable and I really didn´t like the ending, plus , there were some scenes that I just couldn´t take seriously and I spent the first hour of the movie laughing my ass off. I laughed more with scenes that weren´t suppossed to be funny than the ones that were, still the humour works good. I cannot remember a thing from the soundtrack.

What really works in this movie are the characters and the performances. You get really attached to the main three characters and they had a lot of chemistry together. The performances were great as well: this is probably Clooney´s best work since "The Ides of March", Raffey Cassidy is an amazing revelation and Britt robertson was just the perfect choice for the role.

Verdict: it´s not a fantastict movie but is better than most of Disney´s this days and it has enough good things to be worth watching, is very entertaining. I give it a 6.8 out 10.

miércoles, 1 de julio de 2015

Top 11: actors who should be on True Detective (part 2)

Daniel Day- Lewis: he´s an obsesive- methodical actor and a three times Oscar winner. He hasn´t made a movie since Lincoln (2012) and this would be a nice comeback.

Bryan Cranston/ Aaron Paul: after Breaking Bad I think it´s more than clear that this are two of the most brilliant actors working today. I know it would be kind of distracting but... tell me you don´t want to watch Walter and Jesse solving crimes together.

Jake Gylenhaal : he is in my opinion one of the best actors of all time and he´s only 34. Plus, he´s another experienced detective and is almost as methodical as Daniel up there.

Joaquin Phoenix: It doesn´t matter if he´s playing a nerdie guy who falls in love with his phone, the country music legend Johnny Cash or a psychotic and alchoholic ex-soldier. I mean, have you seen "The Master"?. This guy can fucking act.

 Edward Norton: he is probably my favorite actor of all time and there´s no one that I would like to see more on the show.

martes, 30 de junio de 2015

Top 11: actors who should be on True Detective (part 1)

After watching season 1 and the first two episodes of season 2 I can say that True Detective has become one of my favorite shows of all time. And if there´s one thing I like about it are the characters and the actors who play them. Every season has different characters and story so this a list about actors that I would like to see playing a role in the series.

Johnny Depp: this charismatic actor hasn´t made a good movie since Rango (2011) so I think 8 episodes on this show is exactly what his career needs.

 Kyle MacLachlan: he was simply perfect playing the eccentric Special Agent Cooper on Twin Peaks, so I´d love to see him again as a detective. A little bit more serious this time though.

Ryan Gosling: in my opinion  he´s the new Matthew McConaughey, a pretty boy who could´ve become in an Aston Kutcher type of "actor". The difference is that Mathew was that kind of actor once, Gosling´s never been. He´s just great.

 Mads Mikkelsen: I´ve only seen him on "The Hunt" and it´s  a movie that was a dissapointment for me and that I don´t particularly like. But if there´s one thing that stood out in that movie was Mikkelsen, his performance is easily one of the best of the decade and I think he would be great in the show.

 Mark Ruffalo:  He as well has experience as a detective and let me tell you, the TD look suits him.

 J.K. Simmons: he´d be great playing a tough, angry detective who´s a genius and it´s been challenged by a horrible serial killer. And with a young partner to shit all over. Basically Fletcher with a different job.

martes, 23 de junio de 2015

The Babadook: What the hell did you do to me?

I never cried watching a movie before, in fact most movies cant even make feel emotional, but with "The Babadook" something weird happened. I watched it on June 23, 2015 when I was already on summer vacation and I was having a very nice Monday. When the night arrives I decided to watch this movie that it had been in my Netflix list since the day it was released in this network. So haven't watched 20 minutes yet and I start getting very depressed, I cant help it, tears start dropping out of my eyes. I felt deeply sad at the moment but I held my shit together for a while. I kept watching and the same fucking thing happened again, so I went to the bathroom cause I didn't want my parents to walk in and see me like that (i was alone in my room). Once i´m there I just can't help myself and I start crying like a baby, I really didn't understand what was happening to me. I stayed there for about 10 minutes and then I came out and finished the movie. I've seen movies like "Schindler's List" or "The Elephant Man" without blinking and now a fucking Australian monster makes me a tear up like a little bitch? It's important to say that i'm an almost 15 years old and i'm in the middle of the puberty so my hormones are all crazy and it really felt like period, but i dont think that´s enough explanation. I think the movie triggered something inside me, feelings that i didn't even know were there. Overall, "The Babadook" is a fantastic horror movie that is very well directed, acted, edited and that was genuinely scary. After all, The Babadook itself it's a metaphor for depression.

This review was meant for IMDB but they didn´t like my language.

sábado, 23 de mayo de 2015

Crítica a Drive

Drive fue la película revelación del 2011, maravilló a los cinéfilos y decepcionó a los que pensaron que iban a ver un thriller convencional.

El cast es absolutamente maravilloso: Ryan Gosling está perfecto interpretando a este  misteriosísimo personaje sin nombre y de muy pocas palabras. Carey Mulligan no ha tenido realmente opciones para lucirse; su personaje es muy silencioso y el éxito del mismo dependía por completo en la elección de casting, la actriz que lo interpretara debía transmitir una energía especial através de poco más que miradas y expresiones faciales , y ella era perfecta. Mr. Bryan Cranston por supuesto hace un trabajo impecable y brinda una de las mejores interpretaciones del film. Christina Hendricks (Mad Men) es realmente una muy buena actriz, pero en esta película no me transmitió gran cosa, su personaje tiene muy poco tiempo en pantalla y no es interesante ni aporta nada; tal vez deberían haber escogido a alguien menos conocido. Y para terminar también debo mencionar el gran trabajo realizado por Oscar Isaac, Ron Perlman y Albert Brooks.

Los mejores aspectos son facilmente la dirección y la cinematografía: Winding Refn ha demostrado ser todo un maestro detrás de la cámara, lo digo en serio, esta es una de las películas mejor dirigidas que haya visto jamás. Por otro lado la cinematografía es hermosa y precisa, llena de colores vivos en un mundo muy oscuro.

El ritmo es muy lento y pausado, a ratos entre la hipnotizante música ochentera y los hermosos planos a cámara lenta o en los que no pasa nada o no gran cosa, puedes facilmente olvidarte de estar viendo una película y te sientes como si hubieras escapado de la realidad por unos segundos.

Por último, está es la mejor banda sonora ochentera que nunca pudimos escuchar en los 80´s.

Valoración: un muy realista escape de la realidad. Le doy un 9 de 10.